Be Well
Do Well
Reiki and Energy Healing Sessions
Life aligns with our innermost dreams and longings when we unfold from our core being
with all its luminous, divine energy. I offer sessions, workshops, books, and videos to give you healing, insight, and tools of alignment and enlightenment so you can be well and do well.
About Monica
An energy healer by day and a writer by night, Monica is an ordained minister who's meditated for countless hours on the virtues of chai lattes & chocolate. She is a Reiki Master and instructor (Karuna® Holy Fire 3®) through the International Center of Reiki Training and was the first ordained minister in the country ever granted civil rights by a federal appellate court ruling.
One-on-One Reiki/Energy Session
Everything is energy. Even you!
I create a safe, healing space so everything in you that is ready to be released will be transformed and aligned in love and light.
My healing room is located in Lake Forest Park, just north of Seattle, WA, USA.
Energy Reading
Curious about your energy? I can read your chakras, energy fields, hara line, and more
to give you insights that will help you clarify your next steps towards healing and wholeness.
Upcoming Workshops

A simple act of love creates ripples of healing